Minecraft Mob Identifier
CS 175: Project in AI (in Minecraft)
Create an AI that can accurately predict mobs in the player’s field of view from gameplay screenshots. Using this information, create an AI that finds and labels mobs in a superflat world.
Analyze image and draw a box around all mobs
Classify each mob from these boxes
Map this box center in the 2D image to a mob in the superflat world
Label the mob in the superflat world with its predicted label
Technologies Used
image manipulation
haar cascades
convolutional neural networks
several out-of-the-box ML models (KNN, RandomForests, etc.)
data splits/testing
Project Malmo
API to interact with the Minecraft world
Malmo Environment
Superflat world
Available mobs [chicken, cow, pig, sheep, mushroom cow]
At most one of each mob spawned
All mobs are viewable when the world is generated
All mobs are spawned with space between them
A Minimap that shows our AI (green circle) in the center and any nearby mobs. Mobs that have not been identified show as black circle. Once identified, mobs will show as these colors:
Chicken -> Yellow
Cow -> Brown
Mooshroom Cow -> Red
Pig -> Pink
Sheep -> Blue
Auto-cropper Tool
Process to take images of single mobs and crop out just the mob
Original Image
Remove background [original img with blk background]